Thursday 9 July 2015

Remains of Tumasang Brothers Found and Buried

This is the sad end of the story of the two Tumasang brothers who went searching for gold, but unfortunately met their untimely end, in the belly of the earth. 
Their remains were found Tuesday 07, 2015, in the afternoon, one week after the earth caved in on them. 
The search teams found the body of the first brother at 1pm, and the second body, two hours later.
The Tumasang brothers were buried without any rites.

Rumors are rife that the Cletus Tumasang, the self-styled prophet, had made a fortune from previous mineral exploitation deals. 
This deal, however, went sour, leaving the brothers dead, a family in consternation, and a village, Njong Santa, in the spotlight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh no!buried without any rites?papa God,is it their tradition to bury people who die in such circumstances in that manner?may their souls rest in peace.what a painful way to die!!!!