Wednesday 15 July 2015

Things to Do on 'Eid

Our Muslim brethren will soon end their Ramdan fast. Depending on when the moon is sighted, they will be feasting on Friday or Saturday. 

As 'Eid is just around the corner, here is a quick overview for you of what to do on the blessed day:
1. Taking a bath
2. Wearing one’s best clothes, and for the men perfuming themselves.
3. Have an odd number of dates before leaving for 'Eid prayer. If one does not have dates, any food will do.
4. Going to the 'Eid prayer.
5. Even if the woman is not praying she is encouraged to come and attend.
6. Saying Takbir from the morning till the Imam starts the 'Eid prayer.
7. Greet one another with good greetings.
8. Take different path home than the one that you took to come to the prayer area.

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