Tuesday 11 November 2014

Bedroom Confessions Tuesday

Reading this story, all I think is you're a silly girl and headed for heartbreak. He tells you that you're too good to be taken to a hotel? Girl ur adulterous married man is just cheap..mtcheeeeew

"I read a lot of stories concerning how wrong it is to date a married man and I must confess I'm guilty of this. I am currently dating a married man and I must confess, he's the most wonderful person I've ever dated. We've been dating for over 7months now. At first I didn't know he was married but something made me ask him and he told me the truth.

To cut the long story short, I couldn't end it then cos of how I already felt about him. I must tell u, he loves me to pieces and he loves his wife so much as well, he doesn't ever speak ill of her and he still takes care of her and their two kids very well. Before some of u will say I'm in it for the money, that's not true cos he's not so rich as he's just average and he's spent a chunk of his savings opening a very profitable business for his wife.

 I know he loves me cos he wants to make me his 2nd wife and I have agreed (let the cusses roll cos there's nothing u will tell me that I haven't told myself already)

Another reason I know he loves me is cos he told me I didn't deserve being taken to the hotel cos of the way he feels about me so we mostly see when in his house (he has his own personal house) so when madam goes to work, I move in till she's about to close from work.

Madam has always suspected us cos she's picked my call severally but he's always deny and tell her to stop being paranoid. I must mention that I've never entered their master bedroom cos I really didn't want to insult her further.

Fast forward to 2 days ago, she told him she saw something that looked like sperm on the bed sheet (it was a lie cos we are always careful) but as usual he denied it. I think someone had already told her about me so yesterday I got a call from a strange number, she was the one and she started raining curses on my head. I didn't say a single word.

She called again and this time around told me someone would also do the same to me as I'm doing to her (does this mean she did it to someone else, well, I don't know).

A few mins later in her presence the husband called me apologizing for his wife's rash behaviour that I shouldn't take it to heart. I heard her fuming in the background. He later texted me telling me how sorry he was for the wife's behaviour and how impressed he was that I didn't say anything back to her.

He didn't break up with me, he isn't even taking a break, he still even wanted me to come to his house today but I told him till things cool down. What am I saying here, I don't even know what I'm saying. Maybe I'm trying to say a man can love 2 women at the same time, or that a woman should learn to react in situations like this or you might just push him deeper into her arms or maybe I'm just saying you guys should stop frowning at people dating married men, it might just be true love.

Well, I just felt like sharing and no I don't have regrets at least not yet. And bear in mind that as you cuss me out or ask questions, I'd be replying you as anonymous. And yeah, like it or not at least 50% of women are either dating married men or have at one point in their lives. "

Culled from StellaDimokoKorkus 

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