Are you going through problems which you think are insurmountable? The prayer of faith is one that moves mountains . It's the most confident kind of prayer we can pray. But , for it to be answered, there are specific requirements God has given that we need to adhere to.
When praying the prayer of faith, one needs to only ask God one time. As soon as you have asked, then you are to believe that God has not only heard your request, but immediately begin believing (trusting) with unwavering confidence that God will grant to you what you have requested of Him.
When praying the prayer of faith, you believe the moment that you pray that God has heard and will answer your request. There is no stronger confidence in God than THAT, and that's the confidence He wants us having in Him when praying the prayer of faith!
Once you have initially asked, then it's time to trust. (To keep on asking may be nothing more than doubt without one even realizing it. Doubt destroys the prayer of faith!). Then you start thanking and praising Him that what you asked Him for has been granted by Him and willmanifest. You faithfully continue to keep thanking and praising Him for what you asked Him for until the answer is manifest, as that counters doubt and unbelief.
Trust God that the length of time it takes for your answer to manifest is exactly God's time, however long that time may be.
This needs to be strongly emphasized: Don't get trapped into thinking you need to go back to God and remind Him AGAIN of what you originally asked Him for. Once you've asked, now all that God desires of you is to not let anything shake your unwavering confidence that He is going to manifest what you asked Him for.
Satan will try to trick you into doing so, and it CAN nullify your request! This is so critical to remember! Satan will try to convince you that it might be necessary, but to GOD ... He sees it as doubt (which is WHY Satan wants to trick you -- to nullify the prayer so your confidence in God diminishes. Satan's constant desire is to STOP your prayer of faith from working - each time - every time! He full well knows that once you get a handle on praying the prayer of faith, you are much more dangerous to his operations on this planet than what you ever were before).
God has clearly told us that if we WAVER in our confidence in Him, we won’t be getting much or anything at all from Him that we ask Him for. Afterall, that's all that faith really IS: Unwavering confidence in God.
Can it be made anymore clear?
If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
But let him ask in faith (unwavering confidence) - which means no doubting (wavering in our confidence) - for he who doubts(wavers in confidence) is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. (James 1:5-7)
We're talking a lot more than just "wisdom" above, dear reader. A LOT more.
As a side bar: If you are praying the prayer of faith for physical healing ... be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in doing whatever He might want you to do to manifest your healing. Sometimes we need to allow God to tell us to STOP doing certain things and/or START doing things before He'll grant our physical healing. That might involve sin issues in our life that God wants dealt with, and/or it might involve nutritional and/or exercise issues. God sometimes uses professional medical people to help in that process, so don't discount God wanting to use a doctor in the process, though stay closely in tune in allowing the Holy Spirit to over-ride any advice medical people may give you in your situation.
Another thing I would caution people is to be very wise about sharing with others that you have prayed the prayer of faith (and/or had elders pray the prayer of faith with you) until healing manifests. It is nothing short of amazing WHO Satan will use ... and HOW he uses them ... to get you wavering in your confidence with God that your healing will manifest. "God ONLY uses doctors and modern medicine these days to heal through" can be one of the most effective strategies Satan has to nullify ones prayer of faith.
CRUCIAL: Faith is NOT a feeling. It never was - it never will be. Satan will try to deceive you into believing that it is. Faith is a DECISION! It is a decision on our part to honor and obey God's Word, pure and simple! God’s Word stands above all else created or named (Of course wisely understood - wisely applied). God’s Word is to be honored and obeyed above all else if we truly want to please God! Heaven and earth will all pass away, but My words will never pass away. (Matthew 24:35). Jesus, who is GOD, made that very stunning - sobering - unshakeable declaration.
That’s WHY God's Word is NOT negotiable – not debatable - to those seeking to be wise in God's eyes. It is to be HONORED above all things thought of, written and spoken and subsequently OBEYED!
God bless you.
Culled from Precious Memories.com
1 comment:
Thank you. Absolutely needed this
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