Thursday 20 November 2014

Boobs And Balls - On The Same Body

If you look keenly (lol), you just might see the outline of a p<^#s on this lady's body.
Yup, she's a transgender, but she hasn't fully transitioned (is that what they call it these days?), that is, she hasnt completed the sex change surgery on her genitals. Sidney Starr is her name and she is a popular dancer and model.
More pics after the cut


Anonymous said...

So??!! What's news about that?

Unknown said...

Ermmm, this blog isn't strictly news, if you can read, please look under the title of the blog, it reads "news, entertainment, lifestyle, fashion and a lil bit of Kongossa"
if u looking for news only, pls vamoose and go elsewhere.

Unknown said...

wow,that was harsh now.why tell someone to vamoose from your blog because he expressed his opinion?hhhmmm..this is my first day here,are u gonna ask me to vamoose too?