Friday, 7 November 2014

Former SDF Mayor of Tubah Detained Over Embezzlement

                                      Stanislaus Sofa

One time Award-Winning Mayor (Cameroon Post International Annual Award For Excellence, 2012today, the former SDF Mayor for Tubah is a detainee awaiting trial in Bamenda. 
Cameroon Journal is reporting that the former Tubah Council Mayor, Stanislaus Sofa, and the Council Engineer, Chick Felix are detained at the Bamenda Central Prison, awaiting trial.

They are reported to be charged with the embezzlement of 46 million FCFA, while Sofa was mayor. Money said to have been collected from Building Permit Levies, and not paid into the council's coffers. In addition, both men are currently answering questions about money which Sofa during his tenure, said was used to transfer furniture from the former council building to the new one. How much? 26 million FCFA

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