Monday 2 February 2015

SDF Leaders Chastise Official For Offensive Comments On Françoise Foning

Well, the phrase don't speak evil of the dead, is taken very seriously in Africa, regardless of political leaning, and one SDF official, Elimbi Lobe, Deputy National Secretary for Communication and Councillor for Douala V, has had to learn this the hard way. According to Cameroon Journal

Elimbi Lobe had been contacted by several media organs to react to the death of Foning. Not the least a fan of Foning, he had almost nothing good to say about the late mayor. Instead, he took her to task, largely criticizing her job as Mayor and her other political actions.
He even questioned why her fellow CPDM militants were giving her lots of credits for her political stewardship. On the night of Jan. 27 on STV television, he accused the late mayor of not establishing a municipal school in her district.
“I remember we had a Mayor who was here for 12 years, but left us with nothing to inherit. We just lost someone who was not put in her place.” Lobe said.
SDF party hierarchy, however, condemned Lobe’s comments. Jean Robert Wafo, SDF’s shadow gov’t Minister of Communication on Jan. 29 in a public statement reminded party faithfuls that the SDF is a humanist party and as such, it aims not only to protect humans but also the dead. He said Africans respect even the dead.
“There is no justification that a human being should insult a corpse particularly when they are not yet buried. For this, Lobe should be held accountable for his words,” Wafo said.
Reactions from the National chairman of the SDF, John Fru Ndi, made in the evening of Jan. 29 also condemned the outburst of Elimbi Lobe.


Unknown said...

The comments were really offensive.i am not a fan of ma fonning when it comes to politics but i admire her for the other roles she played in women's empowerment.RIP

Luke said...

I followed Elimbi Lobe's position n the STV live televised programme with keen interest. My objective was to know if he was disrespecting the dead. But I never saw that. He simply stood his grounds on the fact that if it was about praising Madam Foning for any political successes, he was totally against. He illustrated his point by citing the issue of nonexistence of municipal schools in the Douala V Council area. His point was also well buttressed by the other panelist who was not an SDF militant. Therefore, if SDF hierarchy has decided to attack Elimbi Lobe, I strongly believe there is more to the issue than what Elimbi was explaining. Luke

magisha said...

Since he is happy to talk about the death especially when they are not yet buried, let he remains there since he is the righteous one

magisha said...

Or is God to talk about others? Where has he left his own, we shall be ready to hear him comments about himself