Sunday 8 February 2015

National Youth Day - What Are Your Memories?

The 49th National Youth Day is around the corner. What memories does February 11 evoke in you? 
-Saving for weeks to be able buy the goodies on sale(Alaska,fish pie etc)
-Making sure your white socks are spotless, black shoes shining.
-Haircut on point.
Please add to this list. 
If you grew up exclusively in the city, you won't


AchuD said...

Hahahaha...oh lawd. These pics just brought back the fondest memories. Weh! The young shall grow. For me, I used to look forward to 11 February,(na so we be di call am), because of the tea time dances that were organized around that period. We also used to jump out of the school fence in the days leading up to Youth day, cos classes would be lax. Chai, I remember tearing my school skirt during one such adventures. The good old days

Loveline said...

All those pics remind me of CS Tobin and GBHS Kumbo. We used to look for a wooden bank and save money for months in anticipation for the day. Anxiety, impatience and when the day finally came, it will be like there could had been a rewind. Alaska(Red), sweet alewa, puff-puff and sugar cane were the principle delicacies for me hahahahah.