Friday 2 January 2015

Bamali Ndop: Clash Between Population And Security Forces Leaves SDOInjured

Cameroon Tribune is reporting that there was a crisis in Bamali last week left 15 persons injured, including the SDO for Ngoketujia Division. North West Governor reacting to the situation, said elite who fuel crises in Ngoketunjia will not be spared.

                        N.W Governor Adolphe Lele Lafrique
According to the paper
“The situation is under control”. That is how Njoketunjia SDO, Kuela Valeri Norbert summed up the situation, 48 hours after the violent confrontation that pitted some inhabitants of Bamali, Ngoketungia Division against the forces of law and order on Monday, December 29, 2014. The results include injuries suffered by some three civilians and 12 elements of the forces of Law and Order. Ngoketunjia SDO, Kuela Valeri Norbert also suffered injuries in the squabble.
The Chief Medical Officer of the Ndop District hospital, Dr Joseph Kwa told Cameroon Tribune in a telephone chat that all the 15 victims had been treated and had retired to their respective homes and job sites. To blame was a resistance mounted by Bamali inhabitants against the forces of law and order who were out on the field to recover firearms allegedly stocked in the Bamali palace. It resulted to the disturbance of social peace but for the timely intervention of the administration.
In effect, North West Governor, Adolphe Lele Lafrique travelled to Bamali on December 30, 2014 where he sized up the situation, saluted the professionalism of the forces of Law and Order in the face of the violence and stated the preparedness of the administration to ensure that elite who fuel regular crises in the neighbourhood are prosecuted.


Unknown said...

what must have been the cause ehh?

Loveline said...

The good news is that the arms were collected from the local Ndop palace. These are objects which fuel inter-tribal wars because they are readily available. At the same time they are used for traditional ceremonies.