Friday 23 January 2015

Pope Tells Catholics To Stop Breeding Like Rabbits

This made me smile. Why? Because it reminded me of a conversation I once had with a colleague of mine, who is also a Pentecostal Pastor. He asked me how many kids I have, and when I told him, he actually became angry with me, and asked if I wanted God to also be angry with me. He told me to hurry up and have many more kids.

I asked him how many kids he has, and he replied,10 kids! I didn't tell him this, but in my mind, I was wondering why someone who usually asks me for fuel money, and complains about heavy family responsibilities, would be encouraging another person to have as many kids as himself, because the bible says, "Go into the world and multiply"

Personally, I think the church (not just Catholics alone), should review its stand on family planning, and from the look of things, Pope Francis thinks so too
He raised a few eyebrows recently for indirectly advocating for birth control methods. While traveling from the Philippines to Rome with reporters, the religious leader made a statement thatCatholics may have a moral responsibility to limit the number of their children.
According to The National Catholic Reporter, Francis shared the story of a woman he recently met who had given birth to seven children via Cesareans section and was expecting another child.He asked the unidentified woman...

"Does she want to leave the seven orphans?""This is to tempt God,". "That is an irresponsibility." Catholics, should speak of "responsible parenthood.""God gives you methods to be responsible," "Some think that—excuse the word—that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No." He said Each person must have a healthy dialogue with his or her's pastor and seek "how to do that responsible parenting."


Unknown said...

The pope is so right.why birth many children when you are not even able to take care of ur own self.

AchuD said...

Totally agree Moity. Why should people have kids they can't take care of. Have neighbours from up North, whose kids didn't go to school last academic year, but the wife was pregnant. I mean, wtf..smh...why keep giving birth when you obviously can't take care of the ones you have. You have a responsibility towards the kids you bringing into the world, they didn't ask to be born. So born as you fit lookot

Unknown said...

Sorry Awol. Back now to join this debate. Moity I Catholics don't encourage people to breed like rabbits. The Catholic Church teaches responsible parents hood and they encourage natural methods of family planning and discourage artificial methods of contraception because of its many side effects. U and I know that most contraceptives are artificial hormones that suppress the natural ones and alter the fertility cycle. The Catholic Church is against contraception because some are abortifacient like the coil that some women insert in their wombs. Coils cause silent abortion without the woman even knowing that she was pregnant. Natural methods of family planning is taught in every Catholic parish centre

Unknown said...

And every married Catholic couple is always encouraged to come and learn about family planning. What we do in the Catholic Church is that we know how important family is and the burden of planning should not be for the woman alone. Both husband and wife are taught how to space their children naturally without all the side effects from pills and other contraceptive methods. Again I have seen many people with many children who are not Catholics. Having many children is a decision by a couple not because they are Catholics or not. I am Catholic and I have never taken any kind of contraception. Artificial contraception is not recommended but natural methods are being taught and encouraged. And the Pope was not in any way recommending artificial contraception

Unknown said...

Welcome back Angie...u were sorely missed.
Perhaps the church should review its stance on those methods so that couples, without any guilt , decide on which method's best for them, (natural or artificial) based on their knowledge of the facts?

Anonymous said...

Angele Marie, you deserve a big applause for this clear presentation on the Catholic understanding birth control. You have said it well and very well. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

There is no controversy in giving women the power to decide when and if to have a child.Period. There is nothing wrong with artificial birth control methods. Its like saying we should rely on grass for medication when we have more reliable options. Think of the illiterate mami in the village who cant even count the days of the week, plus has a drunken husband. She should keep popping out children from her vagina in the name of religion? It is your right have access to a variety of birth control options if you deem necessary, and no pastor or catholicmania should tell u otherwise!

Unknown said...

Did you say there is nothing wrong with artificial birth control. Well because u are not a woman. Women suffer mild to severe side effects of contraception. Many women have become infertile from taking bc. U cite illiterate mamas in the village. How will the illiterate mama in the village remember to take the pills different colour codes on different days , or how will the illiterate mama know when or if the loop or string attached to the inserted copper is not in the position that it is supposed to be or worse case scenario if the string goes missing. How will the illiterate mama know when her implant is expired and needs to be replaced. How will the illiterate mama cope with failed contraception that results in ectopic pregnancy. How many times have we heard of women giving birth when they didn't know they were pregnant all because they were on full time contraception and hadn't a clue that it failed. Most women on bc complain of heavy menstrual period or irregular periods all because of artificial bc. People should take charge of their lives not let chemicals do the thinking for them. After studying the side effects of artificial bc I will never recommend it to anyone not even my enemy if I have one. We are not rabbits that can't control their sexual urges for a short period of time.

Loveline said...

The birth control is very important but natural birth control methods could be used by Christians who do not want to go on artificial ones. For its not good to have an excess number though this might be relative according to ones means.

Loveline said...

Angel Marie, thanks so much for this highlight. I'm a living testimony of the natural birth control method and I don't have any nightmares. It's also part of our responsibilities to rely on ourselves for family planning than on drugs. As a reminder, for people who think because the pope as the head of the Catholic Church talked about family planning, that does not mean the message is only for Catholics. Let's spread the message of the importance of family planning. Some people can't because of lack of knowledge, illiteracy, careless, ignorance or what ever.

Unknown said...

Thank you Moity. I missed u guys here so much. It feels good to be back. And thanks for keeping us current. U are a gem