Friday 19 June 2015

Naturalista Fashionista

See me forming fashionista too. Kikikikiki. Anyways, that's not what's important. What's important is that, I've embarked on a new journey. Yup. I've decided to go NATURAL with my hair.
My hair used to basically mark time on the same spot (tautology lol) that is, it just never seemed to grow. Truth be told, I never used to treat it properly. I would go to the salon and my stylist would ask, "are you getting a hair treatment", and I would say "next time". But that next time never came. And consequently, my hair would just go from bad to worse. Continue, more pics below...

Anyone who knows me can attest that I hardly keep my hair out. It's always weaves, braids and more weaves (I'm partial to bangs btw, lol). The long and short of this narrative is that I was resigned to the fact(fiction) that my hair could never grow. 
Anyways, recently, a cuz of mine came in from the States. I saw her natural hair, and I was amazed. Thick, long, natural hair. I didn't need much convincing to convert.
After she left, I decided to do some research of my own. And I found out that the natural hair movement is sweeping through black women in the Western world. Even next door Nigeria has caught the bug. Many celebs have gone natural, Genevieve Nnaji, Omoni Oboli and others. 
So in March this year, I did the Big Chop. Cut off all my relaxed hair and was left with what you see in these pics. It was sooo liberating!!

The truth is, our (kinky) hair can grow. All it needs is some TLC (tender, loving,care). And I'm ready to give my hair just that. Right now my hair is a TWA (teeny weeny Afro) but with time and dedication, I'm certain it'll grow. And I'll document my hair growth right here on this blog. I'll also be posting what products (and kitchen concoctions lol) I'm using on my hair. But what I can tell you right away, is that our (kinky) hair hates to be dry, needs to be moisturised, and the moisture needs to be sealed with oils. Sounds strange right, check this blog for updates, and you'll get to understand exactly what I mean.
I'm not claiming to be any hair expert, neither am I converting my blog to a natural hair blog, but I'm just so excited to share my hair journey with you, and help some of you in the process too.

Was in Bamenda recently, and noticed that quite a good number of sistas have joined the natural hair movement. Hat doffed to my fashionable Bamenda sisters and others nationwide. 
Now this doesn't mean that you won't see me in a weave anymore. No oh! I will keep rocking my weaves! 
Because it will protect my natural hair underneath, as I work to maintain healthy hair. 
But of course, I will rock my kinky hair too. 
Kisses and stay fab!!!


Insing Rel said...

Ehmm my first time commenting on this blog because e don touch me well well. Welcome to the kinky and coil and curly side of things. I know you will inspire many others and you look so good in your TWA. Waiting to read more from you on natural hair et al and chip in as well. #teamnatural

melanie said...

oh Moit, this is so inspiring, wao, i feel like just cutting of all my hair and starting from scratch. it is so beautiful. will hook up to u for more vibes. i know it takes a lot courage to make such a decision. to tell you the truth u look spiffy and kinky. thumbs up.

melanie said...

oh Moit, this is so inspiring, wao, i feel like just cutting of all my hair and starting from scratch. it is so beautiful. will hook up to u for more vibes. i know it takes a lot courage to make such a decision. to tell you the truth u look spiffy and kinky. thumbs up.

Unknown said...

Insing Rel, thank you so much for your comment. I'm so luvin my kinky curly hair, I can hardly keep my fingers out of it(that's a bad habit by the way, but I can't help
I'm glad can share your natural hair experiences too, it'll help me and everyone out there.

Unknown said...

Melanie!! Thanks girl. I can tell you that initially, it was daunting to cut off my hair but once I chopped it off, it felt goooood.
But whether you cut it or not, one thing I will encourage you to do, is pamper your hair. Condition, condition, condition.
Looking forward to hearing from you on the way forward

Unknown said...

Melanie!! Thanks girl. I can tell you that initially, it was daunting to cut off my hair but once I chopped it off, it felt goooood.
But whether you cut it or not, one thing I will encourage you to do, is pamper your hair. Condition, condition, condition.
Looking forward to hearing from you on the way forward

Mak said...

Oh yeah! !! Nappy Moity! Welcome to the club. Your TWA is gorgeous! Hope to read more on your blog and to see more photos. ...

Unknown said...

Thank you Mak, and welcome to this blog too. Your hair is such an inspiration, and I hope you'll let me do a post on you soon.

Anonymous said...

Moity is really a true beauty, and the "going natural" stuff was really a good idea. You look sweet dear.................inside out beauty. But why have you slowed down on updating your blog? You started this first before these new Cameroonian bloggers every where now...............I wish u could put in a little more energy and give us updates, what matters is not the info, but the frequency. Wish u de best...........DLPaix

Anonymous said...

Good look moity, so naturally beautiful. I can imagine how you will look if you have to put on the 'make-up' that other bloggers use. One question, whats happening? U slowed down and many cmer bloggers are coming up..........pls do put in a little effort, u got fans even with no commentg, You shld be first before other cameroonian bloggers, u started this so keep on. Wish u de best.............DLPaix