Sunday 11 January 2015

SDO For Wouri Bans SDF Elective General Assembly Meeting

     Jean Michel Nintcheu / SDF Littoral Bureau President
   Asapngu Ferdinand / SDF National Organizing Secretary

If this report by is anything to go by, then all is not rosy in the SDF Littoral prompting a perfectorial ban on an Elective General Assembly meeting.
The Senior Divisional Officer for Wouri has banned an elective general assembly meeting previewed this Sunday January 11 by some factions of the Littoral bureau.
In a release sent to all six Divisional Officers of Wouri, Paul NASERI BEA, stated that the said meeting is illegal hence should not be allowed in any of the sub divisions. He further explained that only the regional president Jean Michel Nintcheu has the right to call for an election.
This meeting we are told by Elimbi LOBE, Deputy National Communication Secretary of SDF, is in line with article 13.13 of the constitution that binds the party. And the National Organizing secretary of the Social Democratic front party, ASAPNGU Ferdinand is to preside at the meeting to reorganize the littoral bureau which has been under reconstruction since 2013.
The genesis of this outing by the Wouri Prefect is because of the internal squabble in the SDF party.
Jean Michel Nintcheu president of Littoral bureau held disciplinary meeting on Sunday January 4, and sanctioned, Bouanjo YEPNDO Jean Marc and NYASSI David for 5 years as well as SAME Adolphe Lottin for 6 years for indiscipline.
Following this sanctions, the party sent the National Organizing secretary of the Social Democratic front party, , ASAPNGU Ferdinand, to investigate the matter. After his investigation Mr ASAPNGU did not return to his boss to file in his findings but
signed a release annulling the decision by the president of Littoral regional bureau, Hon. Jean Michel Nintcheu.
In the release made public January 5, the mayor of Kumba II said due to the fact that the regional bureau of Littoral is under reconstruction and following article 13.13 of SDF statutes, resolutions of National Executive Committee, NEC, of February 2013, 25 January 2014, 7 June and 30 August 2014, which recognizes that all disciplinary measures have been halted for now till end of process any resolution taken is null and void.
The national organizing secretary reminded the regional boss that he has been noted for using guards to prevent other members from using the party hall in Douala and intimidation.
In a phone Chat with the national Chairman of the SDF party NI John FRU NDI, he expressed surprise on the decision taken by ASAPNGU hear him “He was sent to investigate and not to sanction, nobody apart from the National Executive Committee, NEC, has the right to sanction the other from the party”.
The SDF Scribe said both Nintcheu and ASAPNGU were wrong in their actions He therefore proposed that an investigative body will be sent to Littoral where the persons sanction will have to be heard and NEC will make its final decision.

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