Monday 12 January 2015

Double Standards Or Charity Begins At Home

4 million people including world leaders marched in Paris yesterday, in solidarity against terrorism and in honour of the 17 killed by terrorists. Same period, over the weekend, over 2000 were murdered in Baga, Nigeria by terrorists. Not a single event to show solidarity. Some Hollywood stars see double standards in this.
Hollywood actor Boris Kodjoe posted this message on his Instagram page yesterday, and was immediately supported by another Hollywood actor, Marlon Wayans.
The substance of both messages is the double standards which the world seems to be playing. 
A march was organised last evening in Paris to honour the 17 persons who were killed by the terrorist attacks in Paris late last week. More than 40 World leaders including Germany's Angela Merckel, U.K's David Cameron, Israeli P.M Benjamin Netanyahu and the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abass.
       4 million people marched in Paris

Yet 2000 were murdered in Baga Nigeria. And no one did anything.
France of course organised this solidarity march. 
Should charity begin at home?


Loveline said...

Kinyuy, it is said charity begins at home and I rightly believe so. Did the Nigerian president even issue a statement about the Baga incident? NO! He instead issued a statement on the French incident. What about the African leaders who travelled to France. Did they issue a statement on the Nigerian incident? NO! They preferred to travel to France. It's a big shame on us Africans. Some will say you don't bite the finger that feeds you. How long shall these African leaders continue to pay allegiance to these egocentric colonialist whose aim is to grab and reap where they didn't sow? A big shame on us Africans.

Unknown said...

Well said Loveline. I couldn't have even thought of the points you just made. Thumbs up to you.

AchuD said...

Moit, i love your take on this issue, especially the title you gave to this story. I saw these tweets by the Hollywood actors on another blog, but you have given it another angle. It's amazing how easy it is to follow the crowd and imitate what others are doing. How bout taking the lead.
When I saw what these Hollywood actors had written, I applauded, but immediately, I thought, who has to take the lead? Who has to raise awareness?