2015 is not a Leap Year. There are a total of 53 weeks and 52 Sundays in Gregorian Calendar year 2015.
Roughly up to 150 Million human births are expected within a period of 365 days of 2015, across the world.
United Nation proclaimed Year 2015 as; "International Year of Soils" and, "International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies".
happy new year everyone
What do they base on to speculate this year's birth figures?
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"To make a projection, the population estimates from each country are used as the starting population. The numbers of births, deaths and migrants are calculated using assumptions of future levels of fertility, mortality and migration, considered to be the best that could be made at the time they are adopted. They are determined by a mixture of, trend observation & extrapolation, and consideration of expert opinion, with actual data included in the calculation for the year of the projection."
Lol...plenty of big book
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