Sunday 8 March 2015

Happy Women's Day Ladies

To all my beautiful sisters and mothers out there, may you be a model where ever you are. May you be a shining light to your family, your generation and your society.
Women, you who are hard workers, and mastered the art of multitasking like no one else, may you receive the respect, and honor which you deserve.
To my dear brothers, today isn't the only day that you should get into the kitchen, or help madam with some domestic chores. Do it, not because it's Women's Day, do it because you are convinced that running your home should be a shared responsibility.
Happy International Women's Day.
This isn't madam's office. It should be your fav hangout spot after the bedroom...wink


Unknown said...

happy women's day to you too moity.

Anonymous said...

Bonne Fete. It couldn't come at a better time to reiterate that women are valuable.

Unknown said...

Same to you Moity. We had a swell time yesterday. And to all the ladies on this blog.