Wednesday 14 January 2015

Mount Cameroon Race Of Hope: Olympic Flame Begins Its Nationwide Tour

                                   Photo credit:
The 20th edition of the Guinness Mount Cameroon race of hope will hold on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2015. One of the several innovations this year is the Olympic Flame which will go round the country prior to the race.
The Olympique Flame was lit today at the Yaounde Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium. Before now, it was in Bamenda. At each stop, Guiness (organiser of the race), will carry out some development activities such as constructing water catchments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow,i so much love the idea of the olympic touch going round the whole country.the organisers should better the prize money too.other countries like nigeria and east africans are so ahead of us whe it comes to paying athletes