Thursday 15 January 2015

Kris Jenner Angered By Ex Husband's Photoshopped Magazine Cover

These magazines are so daring! Intouch Magazine's cover carries Bruce Jenner as he would look like if he transitioned (recent pictures showing him with ponytails and manicures haven't helped matters).But the radical transformation on the cover of In Touch magazine has left his ex-wife Kris Jenner, unamused.
The latest cover of the weekly gossip rag sports an obviously doctored photo of Jenner wearing bright coral-coloured lipstick, blush-covered cheeks and a women’s style hair cut overtop the headline “Bruce’s Story: My Life As a Woman.”

Inside the pages of the tabloid, Jenner allegedly confesses his desire to pursue living the rest of his life as a woman, the possibility of sexual reassignment surgery and his shocking revelation to his family, the Kardashian clan.
Since the magazine cover was published online Wednesday, Jenner’s ex-wife Kris Jenner has reportedly shamed the magazine in conversations with friends.

“(Kris said) it’s just mean to do whether or not it’s true,” a source close to the family told TMZ.
Jenner hasn’t commented on the cover or the allegations made in the story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tabloids can do anything to boost sales.when will they ever leave these kardashians alone sef?