Thursday 11 December 2014

Ermmm...Abeg, This Person Needs Advice

"We changed office and now i am sharing with my boss, he's a very nice guy and i love working with him BUT our office is very small and his mouth odor is just taking charge of the whole atmosphere. Terrible, terrible and terrible... you have no idea and we have to keep the door closed because it is cold in this place! Its like we have opened a sewage tank in our office. The odor is transferring to the telephone, if i have to use the phone i have to clean it!!! 

He is talking right now on the phone and i might vomit anytime, he's breathing shit i tell you!

How do i deal with the situation? How do i advise him? Even early in the morning there's no difference!

Don't tell me about mints, they don't work in this case.

If anybody would be in my shoes what would they do to help?"


Unknown said...

Hahaha. Trust me I know what she is on about. I have been there. It was not easy to tell them but here is what helped. Brush teeth with bicarbonate of soda. It kills the bacteria that causes bad odour. Rub on the body for body odour and sprinkle in shoes for those with smelly shoes. Trust me it works like magic. Also drinking a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water is magic. It doesn't only kill the mouth odour but helps with digestion.

Unknown said...

You're actually better than google Angele Great tips there. Tell me, what approach did you use to break the news to the person

Unknown said...

Hahaha. That is a complement Moity. Actually I wear my heart on my sleeve, as the saying goes.This guy and I are the only blacks in our work place. I felt like I need to tell him about his bad breath before someone used it to bully him. So I told him the softest way I could and it helped. It was awkward but he appreciates it every day. He hadn't a clue that he was such a walking mess. I think most people with bad breath don't even know and I take it that it is an illness.

Unknown said...

Two years ago I worked with some Philippinos friends. They don't use conventional medicines. They do home remedies for most illnesses and I learnt a lot off them. They use simple kitchen spices for treatment of most ailments and illnesses

Unknown said...

Angele thanks for the tips

Unknown said...

Anytime Desmond. I will not pass any chance to share simple helpful tips that I learnt for free. They come handy sometimes. And especially they are easily available and not expensive.