Friday 26 December 2014

Dog Rushed To Hospital After Consuming One Litre of Alcohol

Bella the dog was found struggling to walk after downing a litre bottle of Liquor

German shepherd Bella was found struggling to walk and bumping into walls after she managed to find the booze on a table at her home last Sunday.
The thirsty dog had managed to knock over a 17.2 per cent bottle of alcohol - before lapping up the contents from the floor.
Shocked owner Rachel Day returned to her house in Shepherds Bush, west London, at around 4pm to find the drunk dog staggering.
And the mum-of-four put two and two together after discovering the smashed bottle of the festive liquor.

Seven-month-old Bella was rushed to the Blue Cross animal hospital in Victoria, Central London, where vets put her on a drip to try to
flush the alcohol out of the dog's system.
She was kept in overnight to sleep off her heavy drinking session and was allowed to go home the next morning after making a full recovery.
Her owner Rachel said: "She looked like a drunk person. There was lager and coca-cola on the table outside too, but she obviously knew what she preferred.
"I think she just wanted to enter into the festive spirit but she evidently didn't know her limits."


Unknown said...

Oh sod it'' says the dog. ''There is no alcohol in my vodkabulary'' lol. Well if u want to lose 3days in one week u should go on an alcohol diet. Well done doggie. Its festive season every one need some thing to get high a little bit. Good post Moity

Unknown said...
