Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Mugabe Calls Female Vice President Witch, Fires Her

know it's not funny, but I can't help but laugh out loud. And the expression on Mugabe's face is priceless. Robert Mugabe yesterday fired his deputy, after accusing her of 'plotting to kill him' and calling her a witch.

90 year old Mugabe fired Joice Mujuru, 59, and eight other Cabinet ministers aligned with her, accusing them of corruption and trying to assassinate him..
He spoke yesterday saying he was informed she and her people took two tadpoles to a witchdoctors

“One of the witchdoctors said look for two tadpoles of different colours one should be named (President) Mugabe and the other should be called (Ms) Mujuru and put them in water,”

“That’s what happened. “They were made to fight and if (President) Mugabe’s tadpole dies then she will rule. Now if mine won against yours, it seems that is what happened then,

“I go to elections, fight an election and I am expected to bow to my deputy and say I won an election, you can take over?Did I not hear that or read that this man was going to die in September. But the man refused to die in that September and is still refusing to die,”

Mrs Mujuru had been tipped as the person most likely to succeed Mr Mugabe until his second wife, Grace, launched a three-month campaign against her and accused her of being too 'dull' and 'corrupt' to lead the party.

According to Reuters,experts say the First Lady is now being groomed to succeed her husband, Mrs Mugabe, 49, had repeatedly accused Mrs Mujuru of plotting against her husband.

In a statement, she said

'A vociferous attempt has been made to portray me as "a traitor", "murderer" and "sellout", yet no iota of evidence has been produced to give credence to the allegations.'

Mrs Mujuru is the first vice president to be fired since Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980.Her four predecessors all died in office.


Unknown said...

Mugabe is one funny man. I remember how he used to use swear words and ''f'' word referring to Tony Blair. He is very vocal.

Mangwineh said...

Chai Africans ohh. I beg witchcraft does not exist.

Unknown said...

This sounds like child's play. How can grown ups be doing that. They being so paranoid is very uncomfortable. Grow up u guys

Unknown said...

Judging from the 02 faces one can easily depict the 'face that looks like that of of witch.' Its so so interesting to see that he actually worked with her for sometime before discovering that she is a witch. The question now is which apparatus has he suddenly used to detect that she is a witch. Any way we are in Africa. We all know about African magic.

Unknown said...

how did u find out that mugabe? political gymnastic

Unknown said...