Tuesday 9 December 2014

President Paul Biya Discloses Emergency Development Plan For Cameroon +Adjustments For Ministers Lifestyles

President Paul Biya today met with all cabinet ministers today at the Unity Palace, 3 years after the last council of ministers meeting on December 15, 2011. 

During the encounter, the Head of State gave special directives for the implementation of a 3-year Emergency Development Plan. 
This overall objective of FCFA 925 Billion plan is to accelerate economic growth and improve on the well being of Cameroonians.

In this regard, the cabinet ministers were informed that they will have to adjust their living conditions as there will be drastic reduction of their mission allowances, the buying of vehicles.

The plan will precisely focus on urban development, health, water and energy, agriculture, and security.
The plan makes provision for the construction of one social housing project for each of the regions,seedlings to farmers, the construction of food and vegetable markets, 30 water catchments per region, 100 boreholes per region, and more.


Unknown said...

Grands ambitions in effect.

Unknown said...

Thats a good initiative mr presi.

agborliz said...

Better than nothing.But till then...
Saying in one thing, implementing another.