Wednesday 17 December 2014

Longue Longue Free At Last !

If this article by is to be believed, then Simon Longkana aka Longue Longue is now a free man! The artist who was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in December 2011, by a Bordeaux court in France, for raping a minor, was yesterday December 16 at 4pm, freed. This information is said to have been confirmed by Longue Longue's lawyer, Barrister Wakam in an interview granted the online publication. 
His lawyer is said to have appealed the 2011 sentencing. Longue Longue apparently has until January 1, 2015, to leave France.


Unknown said...

I have mixed feelings about him. I should be happy that he is free but if it is true that he raped and worse still raped a minor it will be a sad thing. Rape is a terribly traumatizing thing. No one should be made to go through that

Unknown said...

i like him so much but have unsettled feelings about his release bc crime is unacceptable no matter who commits it.

Anonymous said...
