Tuesday 2 December 2014

Indian Actress Slapped By Audience Member For Wearing Revealing Dress

Indian presenter and model Gauahar Khan was left audibly traumatised after a member of the audience at a TV competition she was presenting at got up and slapped her for wearing revealing clothes.

Akil Malik, 24, took offence at Khan’s cutaway outfit as she presented the grand finale of singing competition Raw Star at Film City in Goregaon, Mumbai. He then got up out of his seat to threaten
and assault her live on air.
After which he proceeded to slap the Bollywood actress and model.

.“Being a Muslim woman, she should not have worn such a short dress,” Malik was quoted by Mumbai police, the Independent said.
Following the incident Malik was arrested and charged with molestation under Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code, the Independent reported.

Khan was stunned by the incident, however the actress managed to return back to the set an hour later to continue shooting, the Guardian said.


Anonymous said...

It's funny how people judge the attitude, attire etc of others. I didn't know Jesus was hiring. Let people do whatever makes them comfortable in their own skin. Great the actress found the grace to continue the show

Anonymous said...

congrats to the guy who gave her the slap. atleast, she'll learn to dress well inorder to avoid another disgraceful scenario like that one. Des W.

AchuD said...

The woman's dress is revealing, yes, but quite decent compared to the nakedness all these Hollywood, and even Nollywood stars are exhibiting lately