Monday 1 December 2014

Bedroom Confessions Monday, "My Wife Is Lazy"


I am not sure who else is experiencing what I am, but my wife is lazy and I hate it. She just sits back and expects me to handle everything while complaining about everything.

Although I love her, her laziness is really starting to piss me off to the point I don't want to be in the same room with her. She is a nursery school teacher and i know it is a stressful job. So I can sympathize with her wanting to relax when she comes home from work. However, she will return from work, lay in bed and watch TV until I come home. She doesn't even get up to set my food on the
table.. And it is like this 5 days a week. On the weekends, she will do the same thing, lay in bed and watch TV all day. She says that watching TV is to dis-stress her, but I think it is bad for her. She has no motivation for anything and she does not even hold up her end of the bargain as being a wife in that no sex, and she leaves everything to the housemaid, and just likes to dictate. She does not help in cooking or cleaning.
It has been like this for quite some time, however, when I mention it to her she just starts shouting and arguing.
I am so fed up, I don't know what to do.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe she is depressed? Try getting to the root of when that habit started

Anonymous said...

i second the opinion. I think she is depressed.
suggest light walks after dinner or lunch. doesn't mean you guys have to be talking for the five minutes you are walking. you can just be quiet and she will warm up be open with you.
Hope fully you are not the type of husband who takes your pillow talk and put out there for the world. Also focus on complimenting on her good attributes. She knows how to delegate..