Friday 12 December 2014

How Many People Do You See?


There are more than two people in this picture. Can you see the third person?


Unknown said...

i can't see nothing,,lol.maybe some ghosts but i doon't know how many of the ghosts are there.the ting di pain my eyes well well

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha...Canisia..can't stop laughing..keep looking

Mangwineh said...

The tree look like some old wrinkled hunch back person. But other than that can't see nothing oh

Mangwineh said...

Hmmm. Moity stop play oh. Lol. I have flipped the picture and looked at it from all angles but can't see a 3rd person. Abeg joh come and show us where that 3rd person is hiding

Unknown said...

i can't see anything oh.

Unknown said...

Lol...when you finally see it, you will wonder how come you didn't see it all along.
Hint. There are two tiny legs in the tree
See it now?

Mangwineh said...

Ok. I am officially blind. I need "zintgraffs"

Unknown said...

Oj yes I have seen a baby. Like a baby in the womb. Woo thanks for the hint even though it is bigger than I thought

Unknown said...

Awesome the baby is so sweet and so peaceful. It looks like a picture of an ultra sound. Lovely

Unknown said...

lol.i still cant see the baby you guys are talking about.i give up oh.abi una want make i go blind hein?

Unknown said...

Canisia look you will see. Don't stare for long. Use the hint moity gave that is what helped me. Good luck

Mangwineh said...

Yayyyy I've seen it. 2 rather large feet and the shape of an embryo. Oh well. That was hard. Choiii

Mangwineh said...

That baby big ohhh

Unknown said...

Yayyy .Mangwineh good for you. Yes the baby is really big. Canisia its your turn.