Friday 31 October 2014

Lost And Found Sex

I was just minding my business online when I came across this story  :)
A 38 year old scottish lady went to hospital recently to be treated for sepsis, and when doctors examined her, they discovered a 5 inch long object inside her vjayjay that extended
to her bladder. When the doctors asked her what the object could possibly be, it was then she recalled, that she had once used a sex toy 10 years ago with her partner and it got lost inside her.

WTH...10 years? What did she think, that the sex toy just melted inside her like sweets?

Lol, sex toys are still a frowned-upon subject within our circles , but what if your partner wanted to introduce one to you, what would be your reaction? "Oh yeah, Something to spice the bedroom" or "Eish, bad luck, na which kind ting dat?"

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