This is it. Introducing moityakonjang.blogspot.com . Please read till the end, a pleasant surprise awaits you there.
My very own blog. I've always had a passion for writing. I've nursed this dream of starting a blog for a while , and today this dream becomes a reality.
But I can not nurture it on my own. I need you to support me feed it, teach it to walk, and take flight.
How? Visit my blog, read my posts and MOST IMPORTANTLY, make comments. I cherish your thoughts on every post I make. It's easy to drop a comment. Scroll to the end of the page, there you will see the comment box, write your comment and send it in either anonymously, with a blog ID or with your name.
Here i will serve you hot news, as it happens. Breaking and current information. But thats not all. Infact, its a one stop shop, for news, entertainment, fashion, lifestyle and last but not the least, Kongossa ;p
As I turn a year older, thank you sooo much for the birthday wishes. Can I tell you guys one of my wishes? That you visit my blog everyday. I will not disappoint you. All of you back here in the country, and those of you out there in the diaspora, make this blog your regular source of uniquely styled information.
And now for the pleasant surprise. As I turn a year older, and in the spirit of celebration, I will now proceed to share out recharge cards.
They are for you dear friends.
But PLEASE, leave a comment so I can know that you have loaded them.
And do wish me a happy birthday here on my blog. It means a lot to me
Peace and love
Orange : 49377441581532
MTN :2071374819424
Orange :51046007793474
MTN :3586972033503
Kudos Moity. This is simply wonderful. I will return. Happy Birthday
This is great and hope it will keep us posted with the latest gists. H B D and wish you could tell us how old you are.
Didn't get the credit. Weh, fastest fingers got there first. Nice initiative Moity, when is the next batch of credit
Congrats for the blog moity, this is a laudable initiative. Keep up, i shall be popping in from time to time. wishing you all the best
Keep it up Moity will always be here to get updates cos trust your credibility.happy bday pwetty
Thanks Feli, thanks everyone. And to you, my dear curious, I turned 34.
Ride on Moity. Many more returns!
I love this sis, keep it up. I now know where to go for hot news, Gatien
See wen i am seeing dis! :-( Hahahaha!!! Happy bday in arrears! best wishes with ur blog... i already see u winning an award in d near future! say Amen! ;-) :-)
A resounding Amen! N the bday wishes...received with pleasure
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