Friday, 2 October 2015

President Biya Reshuffles Cabinet

The long-awaited cabinet reshuffle is here. This Friday, October 02, 2015, the Head of State has changed some members of cabinet. The Prime Minister,  maintains his post as Head of Government. Some new names have come in, Justice Rose Fomundam, former Cameroon Ambassador to France, Lejeune Mbella Mbella, several have been kicked out, namely, Bakang Mbock of Social Affairs, Robert Nkili of Transport, Moukoko Mbonjo of External Relations (is he back from the mission he led to the UN General Assembly?).

Here are the new Ministers

Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defense
Joseph Beti Assomo

Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Supreme State Audit
Mbah Acha née Fomundam Rose

Minister of Social Affairs
Nguene née Kendeck Pauline Irene

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Eyebe Ayissi Henri

Minister of Arts and Culture
Mouelle Kombi Jean Narcisse

Minister of Economy, Planning 
Motaze Louis Paul

Minister of Secondary Education
Ngalle Bihebe Massena Jean Ernest

Minister of Youth Affairs and Civique Education
Mounouna Foutsou

Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development
Ngoua Boubou Hernest

Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
Libom Li Likeng née Mendomo Minette

Minister of External Relations
Mbella Mbella Lejeune

Minister of Sports and Physical Education
Bidoung Mkpatt Pierre Ismael

Minister of Transport
Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o

Minister of Public Works
Nanou Djoumessi

Minister Delegate at Ministry of Finance
Eloum Paul Che

Secretary of State at Ministry of Secondary Education in charge of "Enseignement Normale" 
Bayaola Boniface
(please, who can help with the translation of Enseignement Normale? Thanks)

Secretary of State at Zmnstry of Public Works in Charge of Roads
Ayina Ohandja Loius-Max

The rest of the cabinet is maintained.


Jonas B. Sunjoh said...

Thanks so much for the breaking news. Its good to sometimes make some changes in government but this has been done for 33 years without any remarkable changes in the forward development of the Nation. I think we need someone who is courageous enough to change the changer. An old man who is not even ashamed of himself.

Jonas B. Sunjoh said...

Thanks so much for the breaking news. Its good to sometimes make some changes in government but this has been done for 33 years without any remarkable changes in the forward development of the Nation. I think we need someone who is courageous enough to change the changer. An old man who is not even ashamed of himself.

Unknown said...

Lol Where is Tutu Muna?